Off Page Exhibition

Humans share 50% of their DNA with trees

My entry into the off page exhibition of visual poetry that had a successful and busy opening on Thursday 16th March in Glasgow. The piece is a development from previous work around the importance of trees are to humans.

This collection of mini video poems explores this bond with our chlorophyll fuelled woody perennial relatives.


Humans share 50% of their DNA with trees - there is an awareness of this connection when we are in a woodland that can give us a sense of wellbeing but also something more than that. It may be a primal link to the importance of trees to our ancestors for shelter, food, warmth and the connection with the seasons, the cosmos and belief systems. Trees are also a repository of information wrapped in years of growth rings that unites us with the past. With that comes both a sense of awe as well as fear of the known and unknown that we can still experience now.

Deeper is the final part of my video piece included in the Off Page exhibition celebrating visual poetry - opening night 16th March 5-8pm at Many Studios 3 Ross Street Glasgow G1 5AR